PhD Whisperer

Having gone back to school after 17 years of consulting, as a grad student, I found myself to be like a deer caught in the headlights of a barrage of buzzwords, technicalities, methodologies and nuances.

This page represents a collection of websites and student help for PhD aspirants to help make ones journey a bit more sensible.

Thesis Stuff:

  1. Thesis Deadlines
  2. Thesis Format (UOIT) 
  3. Thesis Checklist 

Academic Writing:

This is a different type of writing as opposed to the everyday writing 🙁

  1. Check out NOOL @UOIT  (they do not give us what NOOL stands for)
  2. APA Crib Sheet
  3. Verbs for referring to sources

Graduate Stuff Terminologies:

Literature Reviews :

A paper that critically outlines the theoretical basis and methodological approaches for a specific subject area

  1. Literature Review 
  2. Literature Review Guides

Paper Reviews :

Your summarization of a specific paper given to you as an assignment which includes a brief overview of the paper and your arguments about the relevance of the paper in context to the research subject area, methodology , measurements used and your critical analysis of the pros and cons of the research discussed in the paper

  1. Paper Review Guides
  2. Another Paper Review Guide
  3. Some examples of Paper reviews that we did for the Affective Gaming Course at UOIT

Annotated Bibliography:

An alphabetical (based on authors lastname) summary or a list of relevant papers from a research subject area with a concise summary of each paper

  1. Writing an Annotated Bibliography
  2. Verbs for Annotated Bibliography

Systematic Reviews:

  1. Systematic Review Guidelines for Software Engineering

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